キャンドルビジルへのお誘い 殺された人びとへの追悼と祈りを込めて 2011年10月8日(土) ピーうウォーク京都
【日時】 2011年10月8日(土)19:00~20:00
【場所】 京都・三条大橋周辺
【主催】 ピースウォーク京都 http://pwkyoto.com
【問合】 090-6325-8054
2001年の「9・11事件」の報復に、米軍がアフガニスタンへの空襲を始めた日。(干ばつに苦しむアフガンの人々に爆弾の雨を注いだのは、誰に何を報復するため?) 巨大な国家暴力が次々と牙をむき続けた10年、10月8日はその始まりの日だった。
戦闘機の上からの視線ではなく、地面を逃げまどう人の視線で、「殺すな!」 と、ただそれだけを叫びたくて、小さな一人が、いても立ってもいられずに、「ひとりの歩みから」を始めた10年でもあった。世界中の小さな一人のうねりが、何かを変える流れにつながるのを夢見て。
What is “October 8th”?
It’s the day when the US started to bomb Afghanistan
in the name of retaliation against the tragedy of
September 11th, 2001.
Who on earth was that against and what on earth was
that for? – throwing a shower of bombs and bullets
over Afghan people who were suffering from long period
of drought.
Huge acts of violence by nations have recurred
successively these 10 years.
“October 8th” is the day it actually started.
The target shifted from Afghanistan to Iraq and
the war that started on that day is not ended yet
although it turned out that Iraq didn’t have weapons
of mass destruction.
Under the “political relationship” called Japan-US
alliance, we Japanese were obliged to support the war
that took people’s lives and also would threaten this
planet’s life.
Just to cry out “don’t kill anybody!” for people
trying to escape on the ground, many little people have
taken first steps spontaneously these ten years,
dreaming that tiny ripples from all over the world would
come together to become a big wave to change the world.
Various new weapons such as DU bullets have been used
to kill people these 10 years. Radiation continues to
threaten and take children’s lives in that area.
Experiencing “March 11th” 10 years later, and living on
land severely exposed by radiation, let us think of
the lives taken by the violence of these 10 years and look
quietly at the small candle lights in our hands together.
Let us express our grief and sorrow for all war victims
and put an end to our stupidity of not giving up holding
and using weapons that threaten people’s lives.
Let us surround Sanjo Ohashi Bridge with our candle lights
on October 8th.
Come and join us to share some time to mourn and to start
to walk ahead together with hope for tomorrow.
Tags: ピースウォーク京都
[…] キャンドルビジルへのお誘い 殺された人びとへの追悼と祈りを込めて 2011年10月8日(土) ピーうウォーク京都 […]
Posted at 2011.09.21 05:39 by 2011年10月 企画情報一覧 - PeaceMedia ピースメディア