【動画】 イスラエルによるガザ・国連学校への砲撃 少なくとも43名が死亡、数百名が負傷。(アルジャジーラ)
Israel’s attack on UN-run school in Gaza – 07 Jan 09
At least 43 people were killed and at least 100 others wounded when Israeli tanks fired on Palestinian refugees sheltering at a UN-run school in Jabaliya, in the north of the strip.
Israel says it was targeting Palestinian fighters it claims were using the school as cover.
Hannah Belcher reports on the attack – one of the most controversial talking points since Israel began its war on Gaza twelve days ago.
Tags: ガザ, ジャーナリズム・ジャーナリスト・報道・記者, パレスチナ, メディア
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